Professional Training
Stuttering Workshops
Ms. DiGrande has extensive experience in conducting workshops, seminars, and in-service trainings for professional groups. She works with groups to tailor content and format to meet the specific needs of the requesting group.
Past Workshops
Newton, MA: Adriana was invited by The Speech and Language Network of Massachusetts to be the sole presenter on the topic of identifying children at risk for developing stuttering.
Lausanne, Switzerland: Adriana was invited by the Association Romande Des Logopedistes Diplomes, in Lausanne Switzerland, to be the sole presenter of a three day workshop on assessing and treating children who stuttering.
Hyannis, MA: Adriana was invited by the Cape Cod Speech Language Group to be the sole presenter of a one day workshop on treating the young child at risk for developing stuttering.
Lausanne, Switzerland: Adriana was invited by the Association Romande Des Logopedistes Diplomes, in Lausanne Switzerland, to be the sole presenter of a two day workshop on treating the young child at risk for stuttering.
Italy: Adriana was the sole presenter for a two-day conference on pediatric stuttering in Ragusa, Italy. She was invited by the Department of Public Health for the Province of Ragusa, Italy to present this conference.
Florida: Adriana spoke at the American Speech Language Hearing Association’s Special Interest Division 4 Leadership/Clinical Conference in Tampa Florida. Her session was entitled Treating the Young Child at Risk for Stuttering. This conference is for Speech Language Pathologists who either have an interest or specialize in fluency.
Comments from Workshop Participants Include:
"Thank you for your knowledge and being such an engaging presenter and fantastic great teacher."
"I love your sense of humor and appreciate your time and effort."
"Thank you for all of the amazing information and reminding us to keep our minds open."
"Your gracious wealth of knowledge that you have imparted has given me an entirely new and exciting look at stuttering therapy."
"You've taught us the courage to teach others fluency with humor and love. I'm forever grateful."
"I enjoyed listening to all your knowledge and wisdom about the treatment of stuttering. I will take this information with me and be able to help my students and their family effectively."
"You are an inspiration!"

"You've taught us the courage to teach others fluency with humor and love. I'm forever grateful."